Category Archives: awards and nominations

Writing and publishing news

Just a few odds and ends of news for those of you who may not follow me on Twitter or Facebook. My urban fantasy novel The Red Eye will be published later this year by Alliteration Ink. More details on that soon. Alliteration Ink is an ENnie Award-nominated publisher of fiction and non-fiction. If you haven’t already done so, pick up a copy of Sidekicks!, the anthology they released earlier this year; my short story “Doomed” is in it, as well as a bunch of other amazing stuff you should be reading.

The Red Eye was a labor of love for me, and I’m super stoked that it’ll be my first full-length novel to see print. More to come as we get closer to release.

My short story “Method Writing” will be showing up in the new Static Movement anthology Night Hunters, publication date TBD. My short story “The Found Girl” appeared in Wordhaus on July 24.

Working on reviving the Dayton-based literary reading event, possibly at a new venue. Stay tuned for news!

In other project news, I’m working away at The Curiosity Killers (SF), The Wraithmaker (UF), and other super cool books. My short story collection Grinning Cracks is still available, so get your meaty little hands on it!

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Filed under awards and nominations, coming soon, news, publications, readings and signings, steampunk, the curiosity killers


I’m the Featured Artist this week at! This is quite the honor, and I’m excited to see my profile up there.

The Ghostlight LIT event on April 1 went fabulously. We had a total of nine readers, myself included, who read a variety of mostly genre-based stories and a few poems. Steampunk, zombies, performance pieces, ghosts, you name it. A fun time was had by all, and there was actually a huge crowd respective to the venue size. I hope to host another one of these soon.


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Filed under awards and nominations, readings and signings

Awards and Nominations

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Filed under awards and nominations, coming soon