Confessions of a Writer, Part 1

To celebrate next year’s release of my first science fiction novel, The Curiosity Killers, I will be posting my responses to the Confessions of a Writer Tag survey (, with a few responses to each of the twenty questions parsed out over October and November interspersed with other news and events.

When did you first start writing? Was being a writer something you always aspired to be?

 I first began writing in early elementary school, spending my summers on short stories that, in retrospect, were obviously terrible. By high school, I had better figured out that character and plot were vital to storytelling. I used to want to be an actor, actually, until I figured out that writers are actually actors, directors, art directors, cinematographers, and producers of their own movies in a way. Writing a book, therefore, is more creatively fulfilling than just doing one of those jobs.

What genre do you write?

I write science fiction, fantasy, horror, experimental fiction, and have lately been trying some romance, YA, and mystery, though just in the planning stages so far. I don’t want to be constrained to a specific genre but want to tell the best stories I can that continue to challenge me. With my short fiction, I tend to be more offbeat and try things out that I might not do in a full-length novel, making my short pieces much more surreal as a result.

Can you tell us a little about your current work in progress? When did you start working on this project?

I have two main works-in-progress going right now: finalizing things with my forthcoming novel The Curiosity Killers, to be released in 2016 from Dog Star Books, and The Skittering, the next work in my Red Eye series (the first two volumes of which were released by Alliteration Ink in 2014). The Curiosity Killers began life as a short story back in 2011. I fleshed out the idea into a full novel and used it as my MFA thesis at Seton Hill University from 2013 to 2015. It’s my first science fiction novel—I’ve written a lot of short SF before but never anything this long or this ambitious—and it required lots of historical research due to its time travel plot. I began The Skittering in late 2014 but haven’t been able to prioritize it until the first draft of The Curiosity Killers was done. My Red Eye series as a whole has been a long time in the works—the first book was originally a NaNoWriMo project several years before its eventual release. After The Skittering, I have at least one more book planned in the series.


Filed under blog, books, coming soon, the curiosity killers, the red eye, writing advice

3 responses to “Confessions of a Writer, Part 1

  1. Pingback: Confessions of a Writer, Part 6 | K.W. Taylor

  2. I am so glad that I found this!! I didn’t get a pingback because the link isn’t correct but I found you through Annelisa when she posted the list of everyone she could find who has done the tag! Thanks so much for being a part of it! I wanted to act as well but didn’t make the connection you did, which I totally wish I had because that makes more sense and is a lot more positive. I just didn’t think I’d have a shot at being an actress. Lol. *shakes head*
    Curiosity Killers sounds great! I love time travel so you’ve got a fan in me already! ^.^

    • Whoops! Sorry about the incorrect link! If you can direct me, I’ll be happy to correct it. 🙂

      Writing is absolutely acting–and producing, and directing, and cinematography. I think recognizing that is the key to really deep character connection.

      TCK will be released in May! Cover reveal coming soon!

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